Jesuit Connection ETC

Cura personalis (care for the individual person) is a hallmark of Ignatian Spirituality. Magis (Latin for “more”) is also a promise of Ignatian spirituality, suggesting the spirit of generous excellence in which ministry should be carried on. Both of these terms–Cura personalis and Magis–have remained manifest in a small but mighty parish in El Paso’s El Segundo barrio for the past 120 years. The individual Jesuit priests and brothers who have led and listened in this U.S./Mexico border parish since its founding have individually and collectively lived and shared these formative principles as they have practiced attentiveness to the people of God, and reverenced those who they have encountered.

Since 1893, the Jesuits of Sacred Heart Parish have provided both spiritual and practical ministries with the people from throughout El Paso, El Segundo Barrio and from across the border in neighboring Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. With over 400 years of combined experience, the array of region-wide ministries provided by the six-member Jesuit community together with their collaborators has been amazing.

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