Fundraising Project

On the weekend of February 17 and 18, Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J., addressed the parishioners of Christ the Redeemer church in Houston Texas who were present at all the five masses to invite them to support our parish restoration project.

This connection was made by the Catholic Extension Society, which also provided printed material for the parishioners. Christ the Redeemer parish is adopting our parish as their Lenten Almsgiving project this year so that the fundraising will continue throughout this liturgical season. 100% of the gifts will come to Sacred Heart.

I'm very thankful to Linda Caro of the Catholic Foundation of El Paso, to the Catholic Extension Society, to Fr. Sean Horrigan, pastor -- who has been very supportive and helpful -- and to all of the parish community of Christ the Redeemer parish in Houston.

In the link, you can watch the live-streamed 9 am mass and also hear my message to the parish community.

Thanks be to God for this opportunity! Let us continue to pray for the support of others as we continue in this effort to rehabilitate our parish church building.

The Peace of Christ,

Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J., Pastor

Sandra Guerra